Friday, October 16, 2009

Please stay with us, if you are someone here looking for a genuine business opportunities

I would intro my self as wei, as i'm basically a pure hokkien guy from Penang island. I just will go straight and cut it short.

We are going to forming a strong alliance and a team between young people out there in the community which we had already a small community which have a same vision and mission by creating more business entrepreneurs and have a ethical thinking and rational thinking this is the utmost important.

There is a lot of youth today had dream to be a success entrepreneur. But what had been offered by others to them. They had been fantasied by the dream who had sold to them. By telling them a small investment of maybe a figure which ranging from RM 4k-RM20k you can be a millionaires within a short period. Of course, making your first million is not a difficult issue. But the right million and the right way and an ethical way that you need to choose. Do you want to be a well respect millionaire of you want to be a millionaire that been cursed by a whole community and you will just live by your own?

Some, they had joined some promising program that will selling them a overpromising futures. But at the end of the day. They felt so down and just give up for the first time of failure.

Who is going to justify whether you success or not ? not others then yourself! Never give up! that is the key! If you,yourself is your great enemy! Who can able to help you. Be realistic!!! Don't fall in to a promising world but a facts instead.

There is alot in this community had beem victimised by those scammers potraits themself a big and giant and selling you a dream by make money,make money!

Ok, i had investedmore than half a million in this social university! What it means by that. I'm not a graduate. But i do not mind about that as that is a stepping stone for me. I really appreaciate what i learned. In my real life the money i spent had taught me a great great lesson.
Well, i had been attended a lot of seminars which seminar selling preview and which need to pay for RM 197 for a 2 days preview. What they had emphasize on? Really teaching you by telling you or they had advertised that some gimmick Register now for a seats of RM197 only fast while it cost you RM988 or something ? Ok attention grabbing right ? Luckyly at the next day i had learned something altough just 1 hour but otherwise the whole seminar which they claim is actually a preview! Paid for a preview that cost you RM197 which is no food provided and also just coffee. In fact they actually using to preview to sell you their original course or seminar which is worth RM 10k and more.

I just wonder one thing, if they teach us their secrets by selling it and they claimed that are so good but how come they still want to teach us while they can do it in the right away. Why they want to create more competition ? Or something hidden behind? Ok, i will straight away sign up if someone would tell you hey, it is a money back guaranteed but for a reasonable price then, yes go ahead. Remember i had been nearly tricked for RM197! How many had attended the preview? 500 participants x RM197 . Let's do a simply mathematic it is nearly RM 100k for 2 days, eventually deduction those expensese they are still making about RM 70k they had sponsored too. Sponsored will normally paid for the bill! So they could make the RM 197 as a pure clear profit. 2 of my friend attended who is just beside me.Does they guaranteed you, they do not as because it is a big market that no one can really promising you something as this is an economy of billions in the world!You, Me or They ( the speaker ). None of us.

After the next day i realise i think they are quite good with some press company or they had always placed ads so they get a lot of press release from diff press company. Advantage, if you can utilise the power of press. That is an advantage too. They advertise alot of preview, but this time is FOC. why free as they had already have their budget doing so as they had pocketed a huge money from the 2 days, RM197.

Ok, wake up don't believe what others told you! All about common sense. I had seen some even worst. After they had been brief in a business opportunity by asking them to join as partner maybe RM20k investment various type of investment to suit every individual taste.Basically most of their partner driving a porch car and with a really smart business attire, blazer always with them. I was just beside him in the lift same lift, MWE Plaza at Penang,He is telling the one who recomended him in the business which is in his black porch's suits that he will make his RM5million in 6 months. Wow that is execited isn't it. Who do not want. Let's do the calculation again, let's be realistic again! Something had pop up in my mind, shit how many people will be again victimised by him, if he had made his RM5million within 6 months. This would not last long and now the group had totally stop,as i;m not too sure as it is not my cup of tea or even coffee. They either had shifted their target to malays group or had been sold the whole thing to malay group.

Don't give up remember we are born! We are the champs. Why give up easily while opportunities come to knock you.

Let make it this way,if someone told you hey this is a huge potential which is a billion industry in the near future probabably you starting doing the right thing now you could probably making a handsome profit of about 30% returns! isn't it a great business that could give you so. But people now want a fast money. They want something that invested making few folds or few thousand %. That is ridiculous right before asking and understanding the potential!

No, worry you will come across something really worthwhile for you. I'm developing something who will benefited you, me and the community. All ways of winning situation for us.

Please keep my blog update, i will share what is the opportunity about.

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